Some facts about eBay – an Infographic

Online shopping has become very much a part of the fabric of the web. From finding the best prices to being able to buy just about anything you can think of and couple this with promotions and discount coupons, online shopping has become a pleasant on mostly secure buying experience. While there are a vast array of online shopping websites, millions of online shoppers, turn to eBay as their favorite shopping destination.

We believe that it is always good to know a little about the provider of your products or services that you use on the web. This article covers some interesting facts on eBay and the eBay marketplace in an infographic. This article also includes some very basic points on optimising your eBay listing (SEO).

So here are some fun facts about eBay

  • eBay is the 6th most popular website in the USA and is not far behind in popularity in other countries.
  • It is the chosen marketplace for many due to its simplicity, ease of use and often-times very competitive prices.
  • Did you know that you can buy a chunk of Mars on the site? People are constantly selling and buying unwanted items that someone else has a use for. Maybe eBay has that chunk of Mars that you always wanted!
  • The millionth item sold on eBay dates all the way back to 1997.
  • The most expensive item ever sold is a 405 foot yacht. Who would ever have thought of eBay as the place to buy yachts?
  • If you are not familiar with this eCommerce giant and how it works, take a look at our detailed infographic in this post.

eBay Marketplace

  • Online buying has moved from the desktop to mobile devices and eBay is ready for purchases using just about any technology.
  • eBay Marketplace is a good choice both both for sellers and buyers.
  • 380 million app downloads have brought buyers closer to this brilliant marketplace.
  • Sellers can list their items for free, and set their own prices and shipping costs.
  • eBay is also successful in social media commerce. Its Facebook Messenger Bot allows buyers to narrow down their research and recommends sellers according to the buyers’ preferences.
  • As for the buyers, eBay is not a traditional seller. The variety of products and the range of sellers allows clients to choose who to buy from before they pick the best price and shipping option, before paying by cash, card or vouchers and discount coupons.
  • Both sellers and buyers enjoy the numerous benefits of the techology.



SEO Basics for eBay

A key to finding the product you always wanted, is the search capability and eBay has advanced search capabilities and ranking algorithms. Sellers competing to get their products to potential buyers need to get the basics of their eBay SEO right in order to be found in the product search. So here are some of the basics components of SEO for sellers:

  • Look professional and make sure have a good store-front (first impressions count).
  • Keywords are very important so make sure you have a clear item title and description that include the words a buyer is likely to use in their search.
  • The title allows up to 80 characters. Think of each group of characters (word) as a selling opportunity, so make the best possible use of these characters (i.e. longer titles are better). Don’t waste characters on words that don’t relate to your product.
  • Aim to have 2-3 keywords in the title.
  • Target 300 words in your description and make sure that your keywords are included in this description.
  • Make sure your description is unique and not just plagiarised from other similar products.
  • Use markup in your description (headers, bold, italic) but make sure that the listing keeps a professional look.
  • Include links in your description.
  • Use good quality pictures and make sure that every image you use in your listing has a descriptive and meaningful alt tag. Include keywords where possible and use unique text in the alt tag.
  • Include product identifiers that are consistent with your product, your title and your description.
  • If your store targets a particular product area, include keywords in the store name, header and categories.
  • Use your ‘About Me’ page to include links back to your store and your listings.
  • Make sure your listing is mobile-optimised.


This fabulous infogram was created for those of you who wish to become online merchants and those who want to buy good quality products potentially at at a fraction of the high street price. This colorful infogram guides you from the very beginnings of eBay to the success it is today. You can read about acquisitions, awards, as well as its humanitarian efforts.

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