Easy Admin Menu Manager

Easily Remove the clutter from your admin menu without losing control of the menus and functionality provided by your plugins.

While every plugin adds functionality to your website, these plugins also add items to the admin menu list which are seldom used. The admin menu consequently becomes cluttered and difficult to navigate. This easy to use plugin removes the clutter without removing any of the functionality in the admin menu. All the commands remain right there for you to use when you need them.

A tidy workspace allows you to focus on the things that matter.


  • Removes any clutter from the admin menu
  • Does not remove any functionality
  • Intuitive and easy to use
  • Takes minutes to implement
  • Complies fully with GDPR

This shows a typical WordPress Admin menu before ‘Easy Admin Menu’ is activated. The number of available options can be overwhelming.

Easy Admin Manager Off

Once Easy Menu Manager is activated the number of menu items can be reduced allowing admins to focus on the important items.

Easy Admin Manager On

Even when ‘Easy Menu Manager’ is active, Clicking on the ‘Easy Admin Menu’ item on the Admin menu allows you to view and select from any of the menu items.

Easy Admin Manager Menu

Admin menu items can easily be toggled between hidden and visible from ‘Easy Admin Menu’.

You need to press ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the ‘Easy Menu Manager’ page to implement the selections.

Save Changes after updating

The General Settings section on ‘Easy Admin Menu’ allows you to quickly disable the Admin Menu by Toggling the State. DISABLED.

Toggle Easy Menu Manager On

6. The General Settings section on ‘Easy Admin Menu’ allows you to quickly disable the Admin Menu by Toggling the State. ENABLED.

Toggle Easy Menu Manager Off

Will this Plugin work with any theme?

Yes, the plugin is theme independent.

If an item is switched off is it no longer available?

All menu items remain available and accessible. However, the desktop is neatened, so you can focus on the items that matter.

Can the Admin menu manager be switched off?

There is a switch that allows you to disable the Admin Menu Manager at any time.

Does this plugin affect the menus on the front end of the website?

No, this plugin only works on the Admin menu and has no impact on the front-end menus.

Does this affect the updating of other Plugins?

No, Easy Admin Menu Manager does not affect other Plugins in any way. Updates continue as normal for hidden items.


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